iBrattleboro.com, run by Lise LePage and Christopher Grotke of web development company MuseArts, Inc., has actively engaged the community members of Brattleboro, VT with news, events, stories, comments and more since 2003. Thousands of people have registered to contribute, writing where they live. The site is DIY, with extremely limited editing (if any) of submissions. Revenue: Advertising
Christopher Grotke and Lise LePage
By continuing to provide an outlet for local folks to read and write about local issues, the site is always (potentially) engaging. It depends on who is reading and writing.
We watch number of users and number of submissions, but after so long, we barely look at stats anymore. It's really about content.
Traditional print still sucks up most of the limited ad dollars in the small community.
We get occasional stories about hitting anniversaries now... nothing remarkable.