Clutch MOV covers the Mid-Ohio Valley through the eyes of young professiionals. Owner Sarah Arnold says the site endeavors to "bring light to our communities’ hidden gems, offer a fresh perspective on old favorites, uplift local people, places, and events, and publish positive, current content each week for our readers." Revenue: Advertising.
Sarah Arnold
Primarily focused on two counties, Washington County, Ohio and Wood County, WV but coverage does expand beyond
Local People
When we publish a story on our website, we share the link to our Facebook page and as a slide in our Instagram Story with a direct link. When we post the link on our Facebook page, we share it to our Facebook Community Group, and other Facebook groups as relevant. When the link is posted to Facebook, it automatically is posted to Twitter as well. Depending on the content, we will post a photo with caption in our Instagram feed, but as our Instagram is highly curated, we are more selective with content that is shared here. We send out a weekly email newsletter with all new content as well as local events, on Thursday afternoons. We keep an eye on insights and analytics regularly to try to improve performance.
We are a for-profit site entirely managed by volunteers who all have full-time jobs, therefore no one person is dedicated to producing content or selling ads. Therefore, we simply lack the time to be able to do as much as we'd like, although we have a quality product and a robust network within our community.